What is Sustainable Clothing? Understanding Mindful Wardrobe
What is Sustainable clothing? Is mindfullness important in style and fashion? These are very important conversations this post explores.

Sustainable Clothing is centered around the idea of Eco-friendly fashion and Conscious Clothing. While many definitions emphasize this, it’s important to include ‘Mindful Wardrobe’ as a whole in these conversations.
This Post is all about Sustainable Clothing / Conscious Clothing in the context of Mindful wardrobe and why it’s important.
This post Features @Amoula, Follow her page for Inspiration and immerse yourself in aesthetically pleasing content !
What Is a ‘Mindful Wardrobe’ in Sustainable Clothing?

Mindful Wardrobe is an easy generalization of sustainability and consciousness in style and fashion like clothes, hair, perfume, shoes e.t.c Hence the Terms ‘Conscious Clothing’ and ‘Sustainable Clothing’.
You can essentially be a fashion icon but not have been intentional or Mindful about the materials you put on your body daily, how they make you feel, or the quality rather than quantity of what you buy. A Mindful Wardrobe is a closet full of Items that support your comfort, Skin, and General well-being.
Point to Note: you don’t have to get rid of all the things in your closet now, however, being more mindful about new things you are going to buy or wear should be an intentional goal. Remember, starting small is a good way to practice this.
What Is a ‘Mindful Wardrobe’ in Sustainable Clothing?

Story Time! On the topic of Sustainable Clothing and Sustainable Fashion, I once bought a green bubu ( An example of a Bubu is in the image above) , which was so beautiful I was so eager to wear it.
Then decided to wear it three days after getting it without washing it ( point to note), which was very ‘unmindful’ of me. I didn’t think anything of it, and after half a day of wearing it ‘which was also another very unmindful moment for me’. I took my bubu which some may now refer to as my ‘outside clothes’ and took a nap.
When I woke up on my all-white sheets and pillow case I saw green and yes I did what every normal crash-out-prone human being would do ‘I screamed’. But It didn’t end there,I took a shower Immediately and to my suprise was washing the dye off my body and all I could do was ‘hmmmm’.
This made me way more mindful than I was before, most especially regarding Fabrics that are sewn or handmade; I have sensitive skin so the thought of chemical dye on me was very overwhelming and stressful.
‘Sustainable Clothing’ Goes Beyond Clothing

Sustainable Clothing isn’t the only Factor in creating a Mindful Wardrobe.
A Mindful Wardrobe goes beyond clothes and covers everything you put on your body, just like your actual closet or Wardrobe has your shoes, perfumes, hair, scarves, nightwear, etc.
Sometimes people overlook small parts of their wardrobe and the knowledge of the material ( like in Underwear and Scarfs) or chemicals ( like in Perfumes and clothes that are dyed).
Being mindful of all these is all about being aware of the Quality, Comfort, and Effects of the items in your Wardrobe.
Choose to Look Good and Feel Good because our Wardrobe isn’t just something external and simple, it is something we live in , as it touches our skin all day and can affect our comfort Levels.
Instead of limiting yourself to ‘Sustainable Clothes’ create a well-rounded personal ‘Mindful Wardrobe’. It is a journey and not a shopping- spree moment!
To learn more about creating a Mindful Wardrobe and how you can easily practice it, Read it in our upcoming post ‘5 Simple Conscious Clothing Practices’.
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