Green Smoothie Detox- An Honest Experience

I attempted a whole week plus 3 days of a green smoothie detox (2 liters a day), and here is my honest opinion and reaction to it!
Detox DAY 1
For this challenge, I consulted an expert (a green smoothie Doctor) on plants and the best detox smoothies to get the most out of everything,
I was sent the first batch of 25, which equals five a day.
Essentially, these green smoothies were meant to replace my meals of the day, and I was advised to stick to them, drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters), and maybe add a little plant-based snack in between.
This first day was a bit stressful because the brain reacts weirdly when you deprive it of its usual cravings. Luckily, I had just finished a ‘21-day fast,’ so my body was already used to discipline.
I didn’t find it hard on this day and enjoyed the smoothies. They were pretty filling, and I went through the day with a light snack (watermelon at night).
Detox Day 2
Waking up in the morning, my body felt okay, and I took my first green smoothie. It was a good boost, I won’t lie. My body did get very hungry ( So there was a lot of temptation ). I tried to drink more water and practice a trick I once heard.
‘Don’t fight a thought, replace it.’ When I am hungry or craving something, instead of convincing myself against it, I fixate on other parts of my day.
It worked, I guess! I managed to stay on the right path for a few hours, but I got hungry again. This time, I kept drinking my Smoothie for the Afternoon, finishing two full bottles.
My energy got low at night, and I experienced a lot of fatigue, but I felt my body taking in everything. I came to this conclusion because my digestive system felt more at ease, and I noticed less bloating.
At this point, I had to drink my last two smoothies and go to bed because the cravings were too much to handle, but we thank God!
Detox Day 3
This day was relatively similar to Day 2, but my body started adjusting. I felt fewer cravings and less hunger.
The Smoothies were quite filling, but some food would have been nice
Note: I am not depriving myself of food, by the way, but to allow the nutrients to do their job, replacing regular meals with light plant-based snacks was essential!
Detox Day 4
Now, this is where it gets interesting. My hormones sometimes act up, but I saw my period consistently last year (2024) up until November, which is when things shifted ( and I was frustrated because balancing my hormones took a lot of hard work and lifestyle changes).
On this day of detox, my body regained a little more energy, and my brain started recognizing the smoothie as meals.
I used the restroom a lot more (precisely what we wanted), and then, surprisingly, I got my period!
While I can’t personally say try this and boom, a balanced hormonal cycle will appear because it’s unclear if it’s the detox helped, maybe I can conclude that it played a role ( which is quite interesting)

Detox Day 5
I will not lie. I was starting to get used to the detox on day 5, and I did have like three spoons of my mum’s rice ( so the cravings don’t disappear immediately).
This detox requires discipline and commitment, so you must show yourself a lot of grace.
My body feels more hydrated and less bloated now, and surprisingly, I have a reduced appetite, which was quite an interesting change.
I found myself using the restroom more often. I take this as the detox is working well

Detox Day 6
I received a new batch of 25 green smoothies from the expert.
At this point, taking the same smoothie is boring. But as I mentioned, it takes a lot of commitment and focus on the results.
Honestly, my focus was on a good detox, and if I lose some weight, that will definitely be a plus ( I won’t complain about that! ).
I didn’t feel too exhausted this day, and my digestive system was still on the right track!
Detox Day 7
For detox day 7, I felt very Bored with drinking the same two varieties of green smoothies.
I’ve decided that the next time I try this, I will spread out three different recipes to see how that works or if my body needs consistency for the detox to work.
Detox Day 8-10
I only did half a day 8 because I had a trip
My 10-day green smoothie detox became an eight-day detox.
No excuses! I know, but the changed routine and environment shook me a little.
Key Takeaways
- It is not for the weak, but everyone should at least try this once a year
- It’s been two weeks, and I have noticed good skin and overall health results. My cravings are not so much, and I’m now trying to incorporate at least 1 liter of green smoothies into my day-to-day meal routine.
- Stay consistent, and if boredom sets in, tweaking the juices with different fruits for a different flavor will help.
- Start Small; I think a light protein dinner at night can help you still get the results and not feel guilty ( cause food guilt is real)
- Doing a green smoothie detox is most effective when you’re in a stable environment ( if you are traveling consistently, it might be hard). Changing environment affects routine and makes it harder to stay on track.”
- Everyone’s experience with this green smoothie detox varies because of our different body types and systems, so it’s advised to check in with a professional!
That’s my Green smoothie detox experience. I will do it again! If you want to try this, I wish you luck and would love to hear about your experience!
For day-to-day recipes, check out ‘3 Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes For an Effective Detox.’