5 Powerful Anxiety Reducing Exercises
This Post dives into five anxiety reducing exercises that help relieve anxiety. Perfect for a calm mind and tension release.
Anxiety reducing exercises are underrated. It’s time to change that with these five must-try exercises for your anxious days now!

Anxiety Reducing Exercises
These exercises/stretches are easy and simple to do anywhere and everywhere. You can enjoy a good relief and release from the comfort of your home through these five stretch exercises.
Child’s Pose
Starting strong with a classic ‘child’s pose,’ the child’s pose also known as Balasana, is astretch exercise where you sit back , on your heels and stretch your arms forward, resting your forehead on the floor
These help calm your nervous system with a good stretch at your back and hamstrings. A child’s pose is like a comforting hug from your body because it makes you feel secure, grounded, and relaxed just like a hug.
Find Pose Here
Seated Foward Fold
A Seated forward fold, also known as a Paschimottanasana, is a great anxiety-reducing exercise. It requires you to straighten your legs while seated and reach for your toes, feet, or the ground near your feet.
This Stretch releases the tension in your calves, hamstring, and back.
It’s great for stress relief and promotes relaxation in the body and Mind. You can say it’s a way to allow tension in your body or mind to melt away when you fold into yourself.
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Cow-Cat stretch
A cow-cat stretch, also known as a Bitilasana and Marjaryasana, starts with you on your hands and knees. To really get the effectiveness of the stretch, you need to arch your back up for the cat and then drop your belly down for the cow.
A cow-cat stretch stretches you out well for a calm body and mind rest
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4-7-8 Breathing + Cow-Cat Stretch
This combines a breathing exercise with a good stretch and is perfect for managing anxiety.
This Breathing Technique is accompanied by the cow-cat stretch mentioned above
Inhale as you are getting into Cat pose for 4 seconds
Hold in Cat pose for 7 seconds
Exhale as you switch into Cow pose for 8 seconds
Repeat at least 5 times.
Deep Belly Breathing + Leg up The Wall Pose
This is an additional breathing exercise perfect for stretching. Deep belly breathing is a diaphragmatic technique that goes well with a legs up the wall pose, also known as ‘Viparita Karani.’
This is easy and simple on the bed or floor, but a wall is needed.
You lie back and swing your legs up against a wall or bedboard in a way that makes you feel comfortable.
Rest your hands beside you and Close your eyes
Then inhale through your nose, pushing out your belly for 5 seconds
And exhale slowly through your mouth for 7 seconds.
Find Pose Here
The goal of these anxiety reducing exercises is to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which allows you to feel at rest and relaxed in your body and mind.
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