Recommendations – Financial Wellbeing
Well done on taking the time to start your Financial wellbeing journey. It is essential to pay attention to your relationship with money and your mindset, because it can determine how you make informed and healthy financial decisions to create Abundance.
This is a List of Myrtle Wellness Recommendations to help you jumpstart Financial Wellness as part of your lifestyle!

Financial Wellbeing Recommendations
1. Female Invest

Female Invest is an all-in-one financial wellness package. It comes with elementary and practical courses to understand and apply, which provide impressive financial knowledge on how to jumpstart your financial life. This women-based platform is excellent with techniques for investing, savings, and a ‘Money Mindset’. It’s filled with experts and a community of women worldwide who willingly learn and gain financial freedom.
To start your journey on Financial Wellness, check them out here – Female Invest
2. Journal

The path to financial well-being involves dealing with certain feelings about money. It’s essential to figure out how our emotions can hinder your financial well-being.
A way to track this is to keep a journal – Audio, Digital, or Physical Copy.
When you spend money, when you save money, check your bank account, or collect money, it’s essential to track your feelings and emotions that follow these actions. For example, someone might get a lot of money but become anxious about spending it.
This may be due to a lack of trust in yourself to handle that amount or any amount of money.
We Recommend a plain journal/notes app if you can easily understand your emotions.
However, for more support, there are incredible guided emotions and feelings journal to track patterns; we recommend to try and test out various ones and make it solely for tracking money and emotions
Another Good Accessible and Digital tool is the ‘HOW WE FEEL’ App. It’s an emotional pattern tracker that guides your feeling identification and what triggers it. It is a simple, free tool that can be used anytime and anywhere.
Check Here for the ‘How we Feel’ app
3. Books
Three Amazing book recommendations to support/ start your financial wellness journey and to understand the mindset behind money and wealth building are
The richest man in babylon

This is a really good book for understanding hidden secrets in building wealth and handling money. It’s compiles small stories that are easy to understand and follow through.
Find Book Here

Another finance book worth reading is the Psychology of Money ! This is the book for a balanced investment diet! It gives a good understanding of investments, how they works, and how they’re best managed.
Get the Book Here
Rich dad, poor dad

To understand Financial literacy and its importance in your financial life and well-being, Rich Dad Poor Dad is the book to read! By following the journey of two boys’ with different upbringings and how it affects their financial decisions, you will be persuaded to think about your own level of financial literacy.
Get Book Here
These Financial Wellness Recommendations are practical and simple ways to jumpstart or progress in your financial wellness journey!
We can’t wait to see how far you will go, Goodluck !

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